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And mushrooms.

Each time there is a chance to go out - 
A rare thing in these plagued times - 
There is also a need to make a list.
A list is useful so that nothing is forgotten
And everything is remembered.

On each list come the essentials, including
The things that we always need,
And that have to be done and without them
That which needs to be done 
And of course those things that need to be done
Always need to be done and we need things
To do them with.

So - we have potatoes
Washing up liquid
Corainder (growing in a pot)
A pack of four light bulbs
Dog food, sack, large, one
Engine oil
Two gas canisters
And mushrooms.
Always mushrooms.

The prompt today was a to-do list and as one always has to do shopping and we always have to buy mushrooms.

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