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New Dawn.

Here is the news:
The government has fallen and dogs are in power.
The royal family have been shipped to Rockall by the corgis.
The former UK has been disbanded by a coalition of
Welsh terriers, Westies and Irish Wolfhounds.
All nuclear warheads have been disarmed and 
Are being used to grow herbs and turnips under the careful
Guidance of three lurchers and a Jack Russell.
Litter louts are being forced to collect litter by
A band of Labradors, and graffiti artists are washing 
Walls instructed and aided by several Beagles.
Sterling has been discontinued and all future 
Commerce will use gravy bones, and the only passport
Needed to travel to Europe is a photo of a 
German Shepherd dog eating bacon and cheese.

The prompt today was to write the news bulletin that I want to hear tomorrow.

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