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But why?

When you are young it is expected that you will ask questions.
But as the years advance and you become an adult it is no longer
Regarded as a 'good thing' and is often positively discouraged.
I wonder why that is?
When you are young it is expected that you will have favourite things,
But once you are grown you are expected to be moderate and 
To show 'good taste' instead of having 'mad passions'.
I wonder why that is?
When you are young it is normal to want to jump in puddles
But when you 'grow up' it seems that the waves you cause by
Jumping are too much for others to bear.
I wonder why that is?
When you are young it is expected that you will mix the jam into
Your rice pudding and let your ice cream melt as well.
Once you are meant to be mature it is seen as bad manners.
I wonder why that is?
Why, as we grow, does our capacity to question and challenge
Get limited and curtailed, why are we actively discouraged from
Showing interest and engagement in how we can change this
Thing that we call life?
I suspect I know why that is!

The prompt for today is a poem asking questions.

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