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When first meeting someone new it is necessary
To mention that event, as otherwise conversational
Pitfalls litter the progress of communicating.
And so the new person asks when, as all people
Seem to do, and they adjust their response 
According to the timescale.
Old friends and acquaintances are different.
Mostly you can see them switch off when
The topic arises, you can hear the unspoken
Thoughts of 'not again, surely she has got over it
By now", and 'why does she go on about it,
It's getting really boring'.
It is perhaps no wonder that the pain
Becomes an internal feeling, lonely
And forlorn, something to be ashamed of.
Then the memories float in dreams, and 
Whisper of shadows and fleeting shafts 
Of sunlight, and so they become something
To be feared and hidden away.

The prompt today, seeing as how the website has reappeared, is to use a term from The Dictionary of Obscure Sorrows.

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